View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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Clovis15's News

Posted by Clovis15 - April 17th, 2012

I've probably been quiet here for quite some time, I guess I didn't feel like talking much right after my mom's death (at least she's no longer fighting the cancer anymore). Anyways, since this is supposed to be an update of things that have happened since I last posted here, let's get started:

First of all, I got a job at iFanzine.com writing reviews of iPod games and hopefully I will have my first professional piece of gaming journalism going up there soon. I want to immensely thank a particular friend of mine who reccomended me personally for the position, without his help I do not think I would have gotten the job at all (I'm not directly mentioning his name here as he doesn't like having his name thrown around from what I can tell). This is probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me in my life, especially since most places turn me down because of a lack of pre-existing work experience (College degrees generally just aren't worth even the paper they're printed on).

Secondly, I finally finished formatting the eBook copy of "The Vagrant's Tale" just the way I like and it's now available on Amazon for the Kindle and devices that can get Kindle reading software at the price of $2.99 (this was the minimum price I could set it to and still make it available the world over, I had some foreign people ask me about eBook availability when the physical book first became available). Unlike the preview chapters in my gallery, this copy of the book has been revised many times over for maximized readability and continuity control. Furthermore, it has the same bonus two epilogue chapters as the print version that will never be made available online. The only downside to the eBook over the physical version is that I probably will never be able to sign it in the unlikely event we one day meet (unless you don't mind ink on your LCD screen), and you can't use the eBook as a makeshift bludgeoning device (again, not unless you don't mind damaging expensive electronics).

Dead-Tree Physical Edition (CreateSpace, $14.95): https://www.createspace.com/3627225
Dead-Tree Physical Edition (Amazon, $14.95): http://www.amazon.com/The-Vagrants-Tale-Clovis-D ye/dp/1463735359/
Ethereal Kindle eBook Edition (Amazon, $2.99): http://www.amazon.com/The-Vagrants-Tale-ebook/dp /B007TGGRFU/

Thirdly, the group I Let's Play! with has recently completed full sessions of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade PC graphic adventure game, as well as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES. We will also in the near future have more of the classic Tink!Tonk! Land edutainment series games going up just as soon as we finish putting those videos together. We are currently considering running some infamous Atari 2600 games for our next outting.

Finally, and this is probably somewhat old news by this point, but I still want to point this out all the same. Kirbopher, of Newgrounds fame, has recently rebooted his ancient sprite series - TTA - as a full blown hand drawn animation series. So far the first three episodes of T.O.M.E. (Terrain of Magical Expertise) are up on Newgrounds, with a 4th episode currently in the works, and I can immensely reccomend what has been made so far. This is all of course assuming you aren't already watching it, because I am - as I said - a bit late on this news.

CTU-SPECIFIC NEWS: Famed Newgrounds artist Melissa "Nalem" Albino has been comissioned to produce a short hand animated segment that will appear during CTU Episode 24. Also, all of the original sprites needed for this episode - of which there are many - have been completed. There is also an original song composed by Hi-Five Panda (I apologize immensely if I got the band's name wrong) that will be appearing for the first time ever in this episode. I promise you, this episode is going to be a "Thriller" (it'll make more sense when the episode actually comes out).

Posted by Clovis15 - December 22nd, 2011

SOURCE: http://kotaku.com/5869993/this-might-a ctually-be-the-official-zelda-timeline

It seems people were simultaneously right about how Ocarina of Time and how it split the timeline, and simultaneously wrong about it in a way they never could have possibly guessed. The 25th anniversary puts the order leading up to Ocarina as: Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Four Swords, Ocarina of Time. Afterwards it has 3 branch of points, two of which are pretty much exactly what gamers always predicted. However, it's the new information that makes it all finally make so much more sense.

After link defeated Gannon at the end of Ocarina of Time he gets sent back in time, but time in that timeline continues going forward and it's that the "Hero of Time" Link is not there when that Ganon breaks back out of his sealing which causes the Goddesses to flood Hyrule in an effort to stop him. This leads into the events of Windwaker, afterwhich takes place Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

The Link from the end of Ocarina of Time that got sent back in time told a young Zelda what Ganon was planning and four court hylian sages, different from the 7 sages of Ocarina of Time, seal Gannon up in the Twilight Realm before most of the events of Ocarina of Time ever happen. Then this Link gets sidetracked into an alternate dimension adventure in Majora's Mask. Much later Ganon would return from the Twilight Realm in Twilight Princess. Sometime after both of these events would occur Four Swords Adventures (Which has a different plot from Four Swords).

Now comes the part no one could have ever possibly expected. In alternate set of events, Link gets to the end of Ocarina of Time AND GANNON KILLS HIM. After this various armies raise up and fight against Gannon in a century of conflict until they eventually help the the seven sages seal away Gannon in the Golden Ream (possibly not the same 7 sages, thus explaining the race issue some people have always noticed), as explained in the opening events of A Link to the Past. After the Hero of LttP kicks Gannon's ass in the Golden Realm, he goes on a series of adventures which first include the Oracle Games and eventually ends with Link's Awakening. Later a different Link would get wrapped up in the Incidents of Zelda 1 and 2 (with 1 ending with Gannon flat out losing the Triforce of power at its end).

THE VAGRANT'S TALE (CREATESPACE): https://www.createspace.com/3627225
THE VAGRANT'S TALE (AMAZON): http://www.amazon.com/Vagrants-Tale-Cl ovis-Dye-Jr/dp/1463735359/

Posted by Clovis15 - December 7th, 2011

After a year of waiting (really sorry about that, I'll explain that further down) Chrono Trigger Unglued: Episode 23 is finally here! Watch as Crono and Company discover that maybe going south wasn't the most productive of directions to travel through the raging dust storm in their quest for batteries to put in Lucca's Gate Key. They do - however - have their first encounter with the much lauded Enertron, there's just some minor issues of comfort that have to be overlooked when the device is used. Afterwards, Crono finally acquires some much needed Ether... sweet-sweet Ether!

As for why this episode took so long, my old laptop became virtually completely unusable near the beginning of this year when I found myself charged and wanting to get production on this episode done. Later when I did finally get a new laptop in March, I realized that if I didn't crank-up the writing on my book I would never get it published in time for my mom - who has cancer - to be able to see it before she died. I am glad to say I was able to get it done while she was still alive (she doesn't look so good right now, she probably won't be here much longer). After that, various other forms of delays kept stalling production such that it took 2 whole months to get the episode done after I finally began working on it.

I beg your apologies, I have sacked those responsible (including myself).

Those you who are interested in reading my 100% original book "The Vagrant's Tale" (which is heavily revised from the first draft I showed long ago, and now has 2 bonus chapters never before seen online) you can find it - in dead tree format - for sale here: http://www.amazon.com/Vagrants-Tale-Cl ovis-Dye-Jr/dp/1463735359/

Anyways, now that Episode 23 is out, a casting call for Dubbed Episode 3 will probably begin soon.


Our Let's Play group recently played through Knights of the Square Table to celebrate my having finished a book by looking at a really bad old text adventure I made way long ago in 1998. If old stuff isn't your taste - or at least stuff that effectively feels old - we're also taking a look at the recent Diablo III BETA, it's got exploding frogs as weapons in it! Finally, we bring back the Ultra Publications Revue Podcast to talk about all things new and old in regards to Thundercats!

Posted by Clovis15 - November 15th, 2011

The book, which I've been working on for three years now, is finally ready to ship. I was thankfully able to get it all done while my Mom, who is currently fighting cancer, was still alive. I hope you will enjoy the time and effort I have put into creating this.

It is currently available on Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/3627225
It is also currently available through Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Vagrants-Tale-Cl ovis-Dye-Jr/dp/1463735359/ref=sr_1_6?i e=UTF8&qid=1321486350&sr=8-6

People going through Amazon will be able to get free shipping on combined orders of 25 dollars or more, as well as use Amazon gift cards if they have them. That said, I get more money if you buy it through Createspace directly. If it's not an inconvenience, please consider buying the book through Createspace.

From the Back Cover:
"The nations of Skrande and Corsinthia clashed in a holy war for a century of conflict before the war ended. Not because their issues had ever been resolved, but because - after a century - both nations became financially bankrupt. Now charged with the care of Terus Kyreon, the son of a fallen friend, ex-soldier - Jysalef Soresh - hasn't been happy since the war drew to a standstill.

But when an important message sends him - against his desires - traipsing throughout the Corsinthian countryside, things become much more frustrating - and far more interesting - for the embittered vagrant swordsman."

Bonus Features:
- Exclusive never before seen 16 page epilogue story.
- Easy to follow pronounciation guide for names and terms.

NOTE: I have checked my proof copies and everything was submitted correctly. If you get a cover with bad printing (they claim there will be some variance), on an interior with missing and/or wrong pages, it is the responsibility of Amazon/Createspace to permit you to return the book within the first 30 days.

CTU NEWS: Production on Episode 23 is now at 45% complete.

Posted by Clovis15 - October 2nd, 2011

Okay, so I finally forced myself to get back to working on CTU Episode 23. After all, I can't permit myself to let a whole year go by where there wasn't a new episode released (the April Fool's gag episode, as well as voice track re-issues, do not count). I've currently got the menu, as well the entire 80 second Gaspar opening narration (one of my least favorite parts of any episode to put together), done and I will soon be moving on to the main meat and potatoes of this episode. Here's a single word hint of what this episode will have in store for all of you: Enertron. Barring any horrible life tragedies occuring in the near future, this should be out before the end of October. I will try to be better about making this series in 2012.

Furthermore - on other creative fronts - I've recently gotten to see a much updated preview of the in progress book cover to "The Vagrant's Tale", and it is currently looking fantastic. With any luck, no other ill fates shall befall the artist's tablet and she might just have it done very soon. This book is another thing I would really like to have out before the end of October, as I'd like for my mom to be able to see it before she dies of cancer.

In still other news, my LP group has finished its Let's Play of Duty & Beyond and is now working on a new one for Island of Dr. Brain, this is to celebrate our LP group's one year anniversay. We are currently already five episodes into the current project, and more episodes are expected to go up on Youtube very shortly.

Posted by Clovis15 - July 28th, 2011

The Ultra Publications Podcast: The Revue now presents you two all brand-spanking-new episodes. In Episode 9 we finish our three part tribute to all things Megaman, but unfortunately just in time to learn that Megaman Legends 3 - our original incentive to begin this - was cancelled. Next up we made Episode 10, where we cover the many works of Kajishima Masaki - a man most famous for starting the original Tenchi Muyo series - and how they all fit together within his singular multi-verse cannon (as well as some other Tenchi shows that aren't part of his cannon at all). In the future we hope to bring you new episodes of The Revue on a far more regular basis.

In other news, my book "The Vagrant's Tale" is currently on 40% complete of its second editing pass (the edited version, as well as Chapter 41, will be available in the printed version). I have also since found an artist who will work on a cover for it, meaning that the cover will hopefully be done at around the same time I finish the editing process on the book. I thank you all for your patience with me as I work towards completing this, which is very important to me, and I will immediately pick up on Chrono Trigger Unglued: Episode 23 when it's done .<p>

Posted by Clovis15 - June 6th, 2011

Okay, so it's FINALLY finished! I know the casting for this happened quite a ways back, but we had a long line of problems (both people and technology) happen along the way. We took many suggestions from the last video, so we hope this one turned out muuuuuuch better. Anyways, I'm not even going to think about tackling Episode 3's Dub until I get Episode 23 of Chrono Trigger Unglued finally out.

In other news, we currently have another Let's Play running of a game called DUTY & BEYOND (it's about the most bizarre pizza delivery adventure ever). This time around my friend Shadow Dragon, the voice of the Vendor in Dub Episode 2 of CTU, will be filling in for LK while he deals with some issues going on in his life right now. We hope you enjoy this in the meantime it takes us the time to finish stuff.

In still yet other news, the book I've been working on has only one more chapter I need write before I can set about to editing it and making it available once and for all.

Posted by Clovis15 - April 3rd, 2011

This project aims to create a voice track version, for Youtube, of the long running flash parody series: Chrono Trigger Unglued. I am the official animator and producer of Chrono Trigger Unglued since 2005, beginning with episode 11, although the series actually began back in 2003 by Cryokenetic (even if it didn't first appear on Newgrounds itself until 2004). Our current goal is to eventually voice all 22 existant episodes, as well as future episodes. This is not a wacky voice dub, much of the acting required will need to be straight face acting (that isn't to say there's no emotion, but this universe is not self aware of its parody status unlike some comedy series online right now). It is highly reccomend you watch the series if you intend to participate. I apologize for the low quality of early episodes, it starts to pick up around episode 6. Preferably only people willing to be returning voices should apply. Submissions will be taken as name_character.mp3 to ultrapub@yahoo.com (standard recording settings, do NOT play with them). Speak up loudly and clearly, we do not want any whisperers. The current deadline is set to April 15th. We will be providing official lines to those actually cast, we will be fixing grammatical errors in the old script rather than having you read from the flash file itself (but it's still reccomended you watch it). Just because Cryo didn't care to spellcheck back then doesn't mean we're perform a "dot-dot-dot" style performance of those flubs.

Series Page: http://www.ultrapublications.com/ctu


NPC Girl (non Returning)

Entire Line Set:
- Very graceful. (said right after she sees Crono faceplant)
- No, actually, that was my... (said right after Crono asks if he had just seen her somewhere else in the fair)

(There is no target voice for this character)

NPC Vendor (non returning)

This character is a regular snake oil vendor, he is attempting to sell Crono a fork with some salad stuck on it and claiming it is in fact the legendary rainbow sword. Crono doesn't exactly buy it, but he tries anyways.

Sample Lines:
- Very well! I present to you... the legendary Rainbow Sword
- It doesn't mean "Rainbow" like the color.
- It refers to the legendary Rainbow Shell from which the blade is forged.
- A material so rare it's value is uncountable, nay, unimaginable!

Strength Game NPC/Pierre (Will return in Episode 10 as Crono's Lawyer, Pierre)

He is currently goading Crono in to playing his rigged game, questioning his abilities in various ways. However, the same character will later have to be used as Crono's lawyer, who's earnestly trying - and failing - to defend him in Episode 10.

Sample Lines:
- Hey there Sparky. How about a game?
- Absolutely. Unless, of course, you are an utterly weak excuse for a human being.
- No need to get huffy. You can come back once you find some balls.
- Aww, look at that. You lost.

Both the men are welcome to interpretation

NOTE: Marle might become available shortly, watch this space closely. We aren't sure if our pre-selected person can actually do it or not.

Posted by Clovis15 - March 25th, 2011

Special thanks to Newgrounds user, Sunrie, for providing the voice of the Cat. Also, many thanks to LuccaComet for providing the technical help necessary to make this all a reality. Casting for episode 2 will begin sometime in the near future.

Posted by Clovis15 - February 24th, 2011

This project aims to create a voice track version, for Youtube, of the long running flash parody series: Chrono Trigger Unglued. I am the official animator and producer of Chrono Trigger Unglued since 2005, beginning with episode 11, although the series actually began back in 2003 by Cryokenetic (even if it didn't first appear on Newgrounds itself until 2004). Our current goal is to eventually voice all 22 existant episodes, as well as future episodes. This is not a wacky voice dub, much of the acting required will need to be straight face acting (that isn't to say there's no emotion, but this universe is not self aware of its parody status unlike some comedy series online right now). It is highly reccomend you watch the series if you intend to participate. I apologize for the low quality of early episodes, it starts to pick up around episode 6. Preferably only people willing to be returning voices should apply. Submissions will be taken as name_character.mp3 to ultrapub@yahoo.com (standard recording settings, do NOT play with them). Speak up loudly and clearly, we do not want any whisperers. The current deadline is set to March 15th. We will be providing official lines to those actually cast, we will be fixing grammatical errors in the old script rather than having you read from the flash file itself (but it's still reccomended you watch it). Just because Cryo didn't care to spellcheck back then doesn't mean we're perform a "dot-dot-dot" style performance of those flubs.

Series Page: http://www.ultrapublications.com/ctu

(For the purposes of the extreme brevity of Episode 1, the casting call will include a character's ENTIRE LINES)

Crono (Every episode so far, except for 16)
Precast: Clovis15

Lucca (Episode 3, 6-9, 14-22)
Precast: Lucca
Also our Video Engineer, be sure to also check out her dub of Magical Starsign on Youtube

Crono's Mom, Gina (Episode 1, 20 and 21)

- Gina is not a psychotic mental case, even if Crono might sometimes make it sound that way, although she does have a mental issue. She carees about her son and is usually very well meaning, but she is constantly forgetting things. Actually, she has pretty much forgotten half the time that she is even forgetting things at all. I guess ignorance is often bliss. Ignore the fact that she threatens to feed Crono to the Damn Cat in Episode 1, characterizations weren't quit set in stone in Cryokenetic's head at the time (the line will be dubbed, but it's not indicative of the character's later appearances).

"Wake up Crono."
"Ah, Leene's Bells make such beautiful music."
"You were so excited about the Millenial fair that you didn't sleep well, did you?"
"By the way, that inventor friend of yours..."
"Uh, you know... Oh dear, I've forgotten her name!"
"That's right, Lucca! Don't forget that she invited you to see her new invention."
"Now here's some money, don't spend it all in one place."
"Run along now, and be back before dinner."

(Yeah, her first appearance almost entirely follows the game's SNES script)

Crono's Cat (Episode 1-3, 10-11, 16, and 21)

- Why Crono's cat one day started talking is something of a great mystery, but he seems to be one particularly foul mouthed feline that doesn't much care for his owner. As evidenced in episode 21, there might be more going on with him than Crono can possibly imagine. I am not entirely sure how I want him to sound, but he is a very angry man. Warning, you will cuss... A LOT... doing this role. Crono's Cat is definitely male.

"Bitch, just get me to Leene's Square so I can go get some fine kitty ass."
"What? Are you deaf AND dumb? Just do it, numb nuts."

ADDENDUM: Since one person got confused, I do not hate Cryo at all. He's a brilliant writer who had a wonderfully twisted way with words that no one could possibly ever match. If I sometimes seem upset with him, its because I almost never see him and that makes it very hard to collaborate with him. Although he stopped writing CTU directly, which will only begin with Episode 24, he's actually still part of the creative team. Furthermore, he's actually written every episode so far (except for Episode 15).