View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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Clovis15's News

Posted by Clovis15 - May 18th, 2010

Here's a list of steps for how an episode of CTU is made, this is basically true since beginning with Episode 16:

STEP 0: As the person Cryo has placed in charge of determining the flow of the future of the story, I think about how best to set up a series of waypoints to reach our upcoming goals both comedy and plotwise. This usually starts for me shortly after the previous episode ends, or even while it's nearing completion. The step will continue until Cryo eventually returns from the bizzare dark void of space that is the secret of his powers.

STEP 1: Cryo and I have a meeting where we set out, and negotiate, a list of bullet points for the next episode's sript to tackle.

STEP 2: Cryo goes off and writes a script based on the bullet points from the meeting in Step 1.

STEP 3: The script - after Cryo returns from the darkest depths of space - is reviewed in another meeting, and if necessary sent back for revisions until we're both happy with it. This step may be repeated as many times as necessary.

STEP 4: If voice recording is needed, I will begin asking people for it at this point. Also, this is when I would start asking Kris for custom sprites if they're going to be needed for parts of the script that would otherwise be unanimatable.

STEP 5: Kill lots of time not working on CTU, seriously...

STEP 6: Stop killing time and finally get to work on animating the episode in flash, usually taking 1-2 weeks longer than any estimates I put up online as to when it will be out. Cryo has told me I am empowered to be the final editor, as he himself will be uncontactable during this point while he floats along in the dark depths of outer space, and so at this point I freely make revisions to the script if something doesn't seem to be working in the actual animation.


- Episodes 11 through 20 were made at just 12fps
- Episodes 11 through 20 were made using Flash 6
- Episodes 11 through 20 do NOT use V-Cam at all
- Cryo frequents a dimension beyond contact or ken

Posted by Clovis15 - May 14th, 2010

Episode 20 of Chrono Trigger Unglued is now finally here! Sorry that I didn't have it out sooner, but various sicknesses and work kept getting in the way. Anyways, Crono and Company may finally escaped from Guardia Castle... but that doesn't really help out Fritz, now does it? Perhaps if Jenny can just enlist some serious help, she can save him all by herself! Unfortunately the only people she can find are Taban and Crono's Mom, but beggars can't really be choosers. Will this unlikely trio be able to deal with all those 'highly trained' castle guards? Also, I hope you like the new preloader I am debuting this episode.

Now that I am no longer working on CTU for the moment, expect a new chapter of The Vagrant's Tale to be released in the near future.

Posted by Clovis15 - May 5th, 2010

The Fifth Episode of the Ultra Publications Revue is finally here! This time, we take a very in depth look at the damn-near complete history of all things Final Fantasy, creating an epic episode that goes over two whole hours. Sorry about the length, we should have realized in advance it'd be extra long and instead did it as two parts. Next time we might be interviewing Andrew Dobson, the creator of comics such as Alex Ze Pirate and Formera, if we can get our schedules to properly align.

In other news, of a more CTU oriented nature, the current progress of Episode 20 currently stands at a whopping 75%! Yes, I know the podcast says it's currently at 45%; there were some technical difficulties encountered in getting it up, and progress continued while we ironed those out. I would like to say that the episode will be out before the end of next week, but time frame estimates that come from me are pratically like hexes almost. So instead, I'll say it'll be done when it's done.

Work-Study Turns 110 Pages: http://clovis15.deviantart.com/art/Wor k-Study-Episode-110-162535656

Posted by Clovis15 - April 13th, 2010

Episode 4 of the Ultrapublications Revue is finally here, and it's all about Chrono Trigger Unglued! While there is a lot of useful information in this one, especially that many people not in production might not be privy to, I realize now when I relisten to it that I could have filled up an entire extra episode with stuff I wish I had talked about. Perhaps some time in the far off future we'll do another episode about CTU, this time preferably with Andrew "Cryo" Himes being there. Anyways, sorry about the massive delays in getting this latest episode out, I hope to have future episodes out in a far more timely fashion.

In other Chrono Trigger Unglued related news, production on Episode 20 is now really getting underway! I've already recorded and animated the Gaspar Sequence, created an all new preloader, and animated completely 2 of the 18 pages comprising the script for Episode 20. There is a very good chance that the next episode of CTU will be out sometime within the next two weeks, huzzah!

Posted by Clovis15 - March 11th, 2010

http://mysticalpha.deviantart.com/gall ery/#Chrono-Comic

Actually, despite being involved in a major Chrono Trigger parody myself, I rarely am a fan of the parodies of Chrono Trigger that are to be found on the web. This here webcomic, which I fell in love with tonight, is the second time I found a parody that I whole-heartedly approve of (the first time, of course, eventually lead to me inheriting CTU). It was around page-4, when Gato showed up, that I knew I loved this and had to see more; coincidentally, it was in episode 3 of CTU when Gato showed up that I fell in love with it as well. Anyways, this is something I demand all fans of CTU rush out and go read right now.

In other news, I promise I will start working on CTU-20 soon. Certain sleep deprivation issues that were preventing me from working on it may be resolving soon, I am very sorry that there has been a new episode yet. I swear, I have not abandoned the series!

Posted by Clovis15 - February 8th, 2010

Well, my DS that I've had since February of 2005 has finally decided to recieve a mortal wound. The right hinge is busted out completely; while it still turns on and all that good stuff, it can only go down hill from here. With all the essential wires to the upper monitor being in the left hinge, this increased ability to move around in wrong ways will insure that it's only a matter of time before it all comes to a very bitter end. Oh well, it's been a full five years of faithful service at this point... and besides, I was looking for a good excuse to justify to myself the purchase of a DS-Lite for quite some time now. Well, my DS, this Code Red's for you... *pour*

Special thanks to Laserkid forced me to take this DS as a gift when I, still angry with the GBC and GBA, was completely refusing to even look at Nintendo's fourth era of handhelds. Otherwise, I would never have discovered the likes of Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, or the Elite Beat Agents! Now wouldn't that have been a shame for Work-Study?

Anyways, speaking of Work-Study, our newest page is the beginning of a rather lengthy story arc (at least by the standards of Work-Study) that I've been promising for a long time now... I hope you all enjoy it as much as I've been looking forward to it happen.

On a lesser note, I'll be turning 28 on the 27th of this month... friggin' wheeeeee! Oh well, at least if I buy myself a DS-Lite then I can say I got SOMETHING for my birthay.

Posted by Clovis15 - January 25th, 2010

After some unfortunate delays, Episode 3 of the Ultra Publications Revue is finally here! During the course of this episode we take an in depth look into the history, present, and future of the historically significant series known as Robotech; along the way we also discuss the many legal matters, and false starts, the series has faced over the years. Furthermore - for a little bit - we get into a discussion on the recently released Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Egad, that's a mouthful), the end result of that discussion it that perhaps the review circuit hasn't been very fair to it. For out next episode we will be having a lengthy talk with an immediate friend of ours that just so happens to be an employee of a company I think you all very familiar with: Nintendo of America. Anyways, due to the issues which caused this episode to become repeatedly delayed, we ask that in the future only people actually capable of making their appointments ask to be guests.

In other news, the voice actor for Lucca in Chrono Trigger Unglued now has an Official Blog hosted on our site. It will be predominantly focused on her many indie voice acting efforts, of which there are great deal many of these days. So, if you liked her work in CTU, then you should definitely check it out.

Posted by Clovis15 - December 17th, 2009

Episodes 1 and 2 of the Ultra Publications weekly Podcast series, "The Revue", are now here. Every week we'll look in on topics - either ones that are of interest to us the hosts, or ones that viewers submit requests for - and more. Furthermore, we are also willing to accept guests for future episodes as well. Do note, the quality of Episode 2 is better than Episode 1; also, this is considered a work in progess and we will make more changes to how we're putting this together in the future as we go along.

Episode 1: In the debut episode we interview the voice of Lucca in the recent Episode 19 of the Flash Series Chrono Trigger Unglued. Also, we delve into just what exactly actually fell the anime dubbing company known as Geneon; here's a shocking hint in that regard, it actually wasn't online piracy.

Episode 2: For our second episode, we cover the wide pantheon of Ultra Publications Projects which don't bear the name CTU on their sleeve; there really is more there than you probably knew about. Secondly, we also delve into the matter of whether or not all the Metroid content that came out after Gunpei Yokoi's death is in line with his original vision; as well as some reasons, regaring the actual authorship of the series, why it might not even matter.

Posted by Clovis15 - November 23rd, 2009

Turbo: The Film

Hard to believe this was done for only 100k, it's actually rather impressive. This 30 minute short film was done as the person's graduation thesis; and - because he wanted to own so that it wouldn't be locked away forever in the school's vault after finishing it - this was made with capital that he had to raise all by himself. After watching the film, I was so impressed that I immediately tossed him the 10 dollar asking price for the DVD.


The script for Episode 20 has been completed, and preproduction on it is already under way. Although I can make no promises, especially since such promises always end up proving false, a part of me would like this episode to be out very soon. In particular, I would like it if I get it out before the end of this year. Yes, this is the despite the fact that retail eats up both time and sometimes sanity.

Posted by Clovis15 - November 10th, 2009


"Our heroes, finally reunited with Marle, learn of some rather interesting concerns the king has for his daughter's well-being. Not really having time to deal with such touchy matters at the moment, though, they break free from the castle only to find that a dead end stands before them and their gambit for freedom. Okay, that's not entirely true, there's also this time portal there too... do they dare use it?"

Sorry about all the delays in this episode, along the way of making it had to recast the original voices for Marle and Lucca when they became no-shows. This recasting process was a long and painful ordeal, but fortunately though it all I came to learn of the Voice Acting Alliance! Hopefully, with their prestigious help, I will never again have to suffer through the hell that is randomly asking people if they'd like to cast for parts. Anyways, as currently I work in retail, I can't possibly begin production on another episode until after Christmas.