View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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Clovis15's News

Posted by Clovis15 - April 29th, 2009

Recently Hino, the head of publishing for Level-5, was recorded in a press conference saying they that they are working on translating the second Professor Layton title - which they hope to get out in the US within the next six months - and that it is their desire to have all six Professor Layton games released in the US. Truly, this is glorious news indeed, as Professor Layton and the Curious Village is one of the greatest games I have ever played; in fact, if you haven't already played it yet, I command you to rush out to a store immediately and rectify that fact! Anyways, the second title in this series will be released under the now announced title of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box! Now if we can just be assured that we will also eventually get the two upcoming Professor Layton animated films recently announced in Japan, both of which will be part of the official game universe cannon, then everything would truly be right with the world.

And on that note, speaking of all things Professor Layton, Work-Study has recently released Episode 86: Professor Layton and the Serious Warning! Watch inside as Clovis, much to Bryan's amusement, finds that the good professor's patience with a completely inept puzzle solver will only last so long before he must issue forth a very serious warning. How awesome that this comic would come out at the same time as news like this, eh?

And lastly, it's time for some Chrono Trigger Unglued: Episode 19 news that I'm sure will definitely please some of you out there. I have very recently sent a script to the replacement actor for Gaspar, whom voiced Gaspar in Episode 17, and this will be showing up in the upcoming Episode 19. I know that many of you complained in reviews of Episode 18 about the fact it had less talking in it that some of the previous episodes, so this will hopefully rectify some of that. But that's not all, the first fully voiced scene - and not just a gaspar moment - since Episode 16 will also be appearing in Episode 19 as well!

Posted by Clovis15 - April 22nd, 2009

Chrono Trigger 18 lives!!!


Nadia, believing that Crono has long since been executed, goes into despair while being kept captive in her room by the castle guards. However, it quickly turns out that hope is afoot; thusly she formulates a plan to break out and help Crono and Lucca while there is still time! Furthermore, the Chancellor's flair for the dramatic finally manages to bite him in the ass. Lastly, this episode also features a completely redesigned all new credits sequence.


Yesiree, this is the episode that debuts the 2nd ever credits sequence to the series. Where as the first credit sequence was based on Paranoia Agent, this one is actually based on Iria: Zeiram the Animation. Also - in this episode - I would like to greatly thank Kris Sumrall for all the help he provided, the clickies scene would have never gotten done without his custom Marle-in-Dress sprites. You will see more custom sprite work from him in future episodes of CTU, so be sure to be on the look out for it!


- I recently finished another picture.

- Also, my webcomic Work-Study is still updating regularly now that I have an artist helping me. So, be sure to check it out... please?

Posted by Clovis15 - April 13th, 2009

So far I've currently got Episode-18 of CTU up to a whopping 60% complete, and it should be done soon so long as I am allowed to keep at it. For the record, this is 60% complete on the actual episode proper; the progress on the new credits sequence is already at 100%. Wal-Mart giving me nicer hours lately has definitely helped me get all of this done.

Also, I've recently taken up a stab at artwork again recently producing these two images:

Leona (As seen in Metal Slug Mobile 4)
Link & Navi Fleeing (Content Warning)

Another thing that has recently freed up a lot of time for me is that I now only write the webcomic Work-Study, with artist Jeff G taking over the art duties these days. Because of this it now updates weekly, so you might want to check it out if you haven't before; it's even in color again these days!

Lastly, "Professor Layton and the Curious Village" is a truly great game and you should all check it out if you have a DS!

Posted by Clovis15 - January 24th, 2009

http://www.ultrapublications.com/ctu/t ests/credits.html

Since the credits to Episode 18 have been taking so long, there's just no way I'm getting the episode done this month as I originally promised. As I feel bad about this slow down, I decided to show you all a preview of the credits as they currently stand. The show's opening that is parodied here, in case you've never seen it before, is Iria.

In other news, The Vagrant's Tale is now up to Chapter 12. In the next chapter they will finally reach Kyosem City, where in they are supposed to meet with Miran Via's student Tallus Osmaard. I hope for those of you who are following it, the story has been proving an interesting read so far.

Posted by Clovis15 - December 24th, 2008

The real production of Chrono Trigger Unglued episode 18, which will feature among other things an all new credits sequence, will begin in early January. I wanted to start on this episode sooner, but a combination of both rewrites as well as the Christmas Rush while working at Wal-Mart made it rather impratical to get really cracking down on things any sooner. Episode 18 will be the final episode of the escape from jail sequence, and will feature the first appearance of 2300 AD before the episode is over. As was stated in the previous episode, there will be no Gaspar narration this time around (which will dissapoint some of you, and please others amongst you).

Anyways, I'd like to take this moment to mention some of the other projects I've been working on. My online webcomic, Work-Study, just recently celebrated it's 80th page (I know that may not seem like a lot compared to some webcomics, but I'm still proud of the fact I've stayed with it for that long all the same). There's also a prose story I've been working on which, unlike my comic project, has updates that are actually regular that you might care to take a look at: The Vagrant's Tale.

Well, that's all for now. May you all have a Merry Christmas, and recieve everything you wanted!

Posted by Clovis15 - December 13th, 2008

http://www.sambakza.net/amalloc/tteott a_main.htm

OH JOYOUS DAY, THE FINALITY OF THIS SERIES IS HERE AT LAST! I'm going to watch it right now, and so should the rest of you! I mean, after all, I've been waiting for this day ever since I first saw Part II!

Posted by Clovis15 - December 2nd, 2008

Since I broke the announcements on Newgrounds about the last two episodes, I figured I might as well go ahead and post about this as well. According to Amalloc, the final episode of There She Is will be out this very December. A specific release date, however, has not been given. Therefore, those of you who can't wait to see it would do well to check this page every day this month: http://www.sambakza.net/amalloc/tteott a_main.htm

Here's hoping the finale of this project truly is the epic masterpiece we've all been wishing it would be.

Posted by Clovis15 - November 23rd, 2008


Honoring a promise made if Guns & Roses actually finally released their album this year, for today only you can apply for a no strings attached free bottle of Dr Pepper coupon. Hurry up before the offer ends!

SIDE NOTE: For those wondering about CTU progress, there's currently no chance that Episode-18 will actually be done before January thanks to my job at Wal-Mart. Until now I didn't fully appreciate just how much you work load ramps up at this time of year when you're in retail.

Posted by Clovis15 - September 15th, 2008

So, Cryo and I have been pouring over the rough draft of Episode 18 for the past few weeks since Episode 17 came out and have finally turned it into something that all parties are happy with. Animation of this episode will commence later this week, or next week (depending on how my new job goes), most likely. Furthermore, the basic concept for Episode 19 has already been laid out, so with any luck its script will be done before Episode 18 is even done. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement over the years, it's fans like you that have made the continued production of CTU a reality!

Posted by Clovis15 - August 29th, 2008


Yep, after a bit more work than I originally thought it would take (it's a shorter episode, but parts of it took a ridiculously disproportionate amount of work), I finally have Episode-17 of CTU ready for your flash perusing pleasure. The script to Episode 18 is already written, and so is most of the preproduction, so Ideally I'd like to have it out before the end of this year (and there's no parts in it that should be difficult, either). However, this is one new snag in all of this. I now have a job at Wal-Mart of all places, it somewhat makes me wonder why I bothered to become a College Graduate in the first place. Oh well, it's all I can really do without any actual job experience. *SIGH*

After you've watched the episode, please visit us at the Ultra Publications Forums: http://www.ultrapublications.com/forum
Also, I promise that the CTU Homepage no longer looks like ass: http://www.ultrapublications.com/ctu
Or at the very least, could you please visit my art page? http://clovis15.deviantart.com

Peace out, everyone!