View Profile Clovis15

30 Movie Reviews

12 w/ Responses

Third Time Truly Is, As They Say, A Charm!

Your award this time was far well earned. The animation held up consistantly throughout, the judicious choices of when to cuss were actually funny, I never once wanted to throw up, and the voicing was better than it has ever been before. You have truly come a long ways since this series first came out. I actually eagerly await the release of Episode 4, whenever that might be.

Sunrie responds:

It is a high pleasure, Clovis, to hear those comments from you. Thank you very much. I know I speak for everyone involved when I say that the award is an honor and greatly appreciated.

We're even going to curb the cussing some more with Ron in the next one as well. Episode 4 will require at least 11 additional voice actors for the other characters, but I can't let on who it will be at this time.

You were looking at my teleprompter, weren't you?

I couldn't stop laughing as I watched this one, this is definitely one of the best episodes in your Gamer Tonight series. When I was in college there was a guy on my hall one year that played nothing but RTS games, and he definitely was elitist about it. You've done a fine job here with this series of capturing the panoply of common gamer groups.

Sore Winner...

I've definitely met the type that will talk all smack every time they win, but if you win even once you've clearly broken some sort of taboo and are a cheater because you didn't play the game in a fashion that was conducive to them kicking your ass.

"If someone else didn't want him, why would we?"

Sorry it took so long, but I finally got around to seeing it like you asked. That was, uhm, weird. There was less cussing than the first episode, but there still was a lot of cussing. Furthermore, you people have a very mean sense of humor. I know this may work some audiences, but for me I cringed at a lot of the parts. The movement, and some of the voices, were definitely a step up in this episode. That was definitely a good thing. Sorry, but I just don't have much more to say about this.

Sunrie responds:

From Sunrie:
I'm not really sure I understand what you mean by a "very mean sense of humor". I thought it kind of matched some of your humoring style with things you've brought up in your storylines.

As for the cussing, the Game Ranger is going to swear a lot because that's just who he is. The guy is white trash to the core, which is what we're basing the interactions around. He's also based off of a real life person who really acts this way, so we're treating the character like dirt, which is where most of the humor comes from.

The next animation is going to be even more fluid and we have six new voice actors joining the cast for new characters. Obviously certain characters aren't going to be swearing and there will be a lot more action.

From Wyldfyre1:
...I'm a little confused on the review. Thanks for the review, though.


You did a very good job of making it look like it was the game rather than a flash animation most of the time, which added to the appeal. I actually don't know who FPS Doug is, but I couldn't stop laughing all the same. Great work!

DuDuL responds:

type on youtube fps doug xD u will laugh too

Hooray for Clock Man!

Heh, Clock man. What a great idea. Very well done. You get a 4 out of 5. I'm sure you've made King of the Portal, Strawberry Clock, very proud here.

This is probably going to be painful for all of us

Well, I've finally seen Game Ranger Episode 1. I know you guy really like me, so this going to be difficult to say.

You see, you people clearly have animating talent. However, you need to work on your writing and sense of humor. Constant cussing isn't really funny. The ocassional cuss word said at the right time IS funny. When you need to have constant obscenities you're better of using the Censor Beep. The Censor Beep, for reasons no one really knows why, is always funny. In fact the longer it runs, often the funnier it is.

Also, Wyldfire asked me if I'd hook you up with the people who voice for me. I haven't talked to Dan yet (Gaspar), but I'll tell you this right now: Dan will not cuss for anybody. You should know that before you send him a script.

The one part I did enjoy is when the hero said he'd do a lousy job on purpose.


Sunrie responds:

Hey, thanks for responding.

Thanks for the compliments, first off. This was our first real venture into using Flash and the first time ever using sprites, so it's a little rough, but I've been talking about doing a remake Special Edition.

We don't really script, we just kind of run with things. In the past we've attempted script work (animation is not on NG) and it sounded rather forced. What happens is I know where I want it to go, and then give the person a basic over view and tell them to respond.

Wyld, Maximus and myself have already talked about cutting the swearing back a lot in the next episode (3), as it's been brought up quite a few times, especially the "God Damn!"

Most of the other characters won't be swearing at all in future installments, so I wouldn't be concerned with someone not willing to when we send them ideas for lines. Thanks for the help on that, by the way.

From both Wyld and I, thank you for being honest and writing such an informative review. We don't mind if people don't like the work or don't like certain aspects of the work, we just ask that they state where and why, like you did.

Can't wait to see your next animation!

Well, this is... not entirely what I expected.

Very well done intro... after that was... uhm, different.

As the animator of the Chrono Trigger Unglued series, I must say I was suprised to find another Chrono based series on Newgrounds. Especially one done using 'clock' animation techniques. Dear lord the music switch in the credits made me go deaf, what with the headphones and all.


I think you manage to make a truly profound point here, especially considering the basis for most video games of the mid to late 80's (as opposed to what the popular norm is most often these days). Unless you grew up with it, you sometimes just can't understand the emotional significance of it all. I myself was born in 1982, and despite the fairly de facto popularity of, say, The Transformers in males my age give or take a year... if you stray more so like three years you find people completely aren't able to comprehend the emotional value you attach to it. Heroes off on heroic journies in fantastical lands to save princesses were the norm of the day in Video Games back then, they were our fairy tales.

The Kangaroo Court Trial of the Century!

That was quite possibly the best parody of the court room event from Chrono Trigger that I've ever seen. In fact, it may be the only parody of the court room event that I've ever seen. The series has come a long ways since you started, in terms of quality if not in plot advancement. So far so good. Unfortunately the cat at the end just didn't do anything for me, but up until then it was all comedy gold. Especially the part where the Jail Warden actually had the trial results when the chancellor was saying that Crono was to be executed.

At this point my biggest suggestion would be to stop using the bitmap trace function if possible and use pngs with transparency instead. But, I already know that you're working on something like this from your forums

Anyways, I shall be looking forward to Episode 11 which shall be be your first official Palindromically numbered episode. I know it's an irrelevant mile stone, but I shall look forward to it nonetheless. Actually, I look forward to all the episodes.

"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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