View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

Exp Points:
19,762 / 20,530
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Vote Power:
8.38 votes
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Why I Think Movies Need to Be Deleted if They Leave Judgement With a Score Under 2

Posted by Clovis15 - February 15th, 2011

Recently I have been working on trying to clean up the portal to reach the next B/P rank, but I'm at the point where they're over a thousand movies apart. It takes a while to go through that many movies, and during that time you'll see so much abominable dreck. Worse yet, too much of it is getting through. The problem is simple, the old delete if under score upon leaving judgement is simply too low in these modern times on Newgrounds.

The score itself wasn't necessarily chosen in error back in the day, but one must remember that Newgrounds used to be a far harsher place voting wise than it is now. It used to be that getting a movie with a score above 3 was a honor akin to getting a score above 4 today, and the highest scoring movie in the top 50 was an ephemeral 3.99. Just okay movies would often rank in the mid 2's, and sometimes people earnestly trying wouldn't quite manage to get a 2 even. Also, there used to be an army of bots that people had runnning voting a zero on every single movie on the portal every single day... thankfully that was stopped many years ago.

But these days aren't those times anymore, thanks to the elimination of many old institutions that glorifed blamming a little too much as well as the fixing of bot voting exploits. Most decent flashes will almost always score over 3 today, and truly great stuff over 4 with ease. The fact is that during my last 700 B/P points towards my next rank I have not seen even one thing of any value whatsoever come even close to being under a 2, but I have seen so much utter dreck that would have been blammed back in the day squeak by under 2 these days. The problem is that while bad down-voting has been removed, we now have people with bad upvoting trying to spam Newgrounds with shit for the lulz.

It no longer matters if you're total shit, so long as you're affiliated with one of the Negrounds Disrespect groups (I won't be naming names) you'll get enough wholly undeserved 5 to make sure your filth is never in danger of being blammed anymore. These days the only way to get blammed is to both be filth, and not part of one of these groups that making disrespecting Newgrounds an official mission statement. If the minimum protection score required were raised to 2 there would not be a single thing of value lost, but it would hamper much of the lulz-bombing I have sadly been seeing way too much of lately.


yeah man - it's way harder to get blammed these days - when i was starting up on my first user name i had a hard time getting anything even through haha - -now even the crappiest stuff will make it through with around a 2

No offense but why do you care about a rank? Also I don't believe it's really an issue, regardless of score if a movie is mediocre or just downright sucks no one is going to tell people about it and it won't be widely seen, it'll be doomed to obscurity. It isn't like shit quality movies are shoved in your face and are mucking the place up.

The twelve year olds (who aren't even old enough to be here) should have to pass a test to vote... or be on the internet in general.

Too long, didnt read

Yikes. I certainly believe you. If anyone doubts it, look up ANYTHING and see the results. Most of the things that show up are crap, no matter WHAT you type.

As much as you raise a valid point, there's still the problem of who cares.

A lot of things below 2 make me laugh anyways. <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/553560">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /553560</a>

You know the voters are bad when they SAVE SHITTY STICK FLASHES! Seriously, look at this guy:

<a href="http://rian20000.newgrounds.com/">http://rian20000.newgrounds.com/</a>

Yes, his "flashes" were actually saved when back in the day they would have only gotten 0.50. That says it all.

"Everything by Everyone"

You take things way too seriously.
Does it really bother you that these animations exist? If you don't like something, vote low and move on.

usually the flashes that make me laugh the most are under 2.
remember the jerry jackson films? those episodes were originally blammed by newgrounds voters, and tom fulp had to go and dish them out of their grave because you guys suck at rating flash

ive seen such crap to you are so right it should be deleted or became epic , the flash should servive on its own not with help.

The world is a shitty place theese days. Newgrounds should be a shit-free safe haven!

I tested your theory a while back.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/539557">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /539557</a>

who cares, get a life.

I seriously hope you just didn't notice this NOW. Really? This has been going on for a long time now.

I'm also going for B/P points. I used to vote how I seriously rated a flash. Now, I only use 0 or 5 since I don't see a point in the buttons in-between.
Also, I wondered why so many *breathes* ....bad flashes get through judgment.

So now, I just pass all the flashes that are > 100KB. Because anything less is obviously a bad flash. But you know what?! I can watch a bad flash worth 15KB with 3MB of a song and vote 0. Then what? It still passes....

In conclusion, judgment is broke.

I completely understand what you are saying i see my share of crap that comes out of the portal. Unfortunately I probably can't do any better than the ones that upload stick movies, although some of those are pretty good. Most of the stuff that I do vote 1-0 gets passed when they are just spam which is something disrespect or just plan crap because i think most people just vote 5 to pass to get those save points. Well that's my opinion hope they do change it to something like your idea, oh and can't wait till your next CTU I am a fan.