View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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CTU-22 Progress, A Thank You to Ericho, New Podcast, Let's Plays, and More!

Posted by Clovis15 - September 14th, 2010

This update has a metric fuckton of stuff to talk about, a normal imperial fuckton simply won't fit the bill for today. Nosiree!

To get things started off here, the progress on Episode 22 of Chrono Trigger Unglued now stands at 20%. Furthermore, I intend to keep at this drive until this episode comes out in the near future (losing my job at Wal-Mart will help me to have a lot of time for that). I must admit, I wasn't exactly burning with energy to work with flash right now; however, today I saw that Ericho (the same Ericho that helped Kirbopher with the production of TTA, a series I adore) posted reviews on Episodes 17 and 19 of CTU that proclaimed they were the Super Mario Bros Z of Chrono Trigger. Hearing such magnanimous words, more specifically from someone who had actually been part of a major long running flash project series, caused me to burn with creative energy. So, look for CTU-22 in the near future.

Also, we recently released Episode 6 of the Ultra Publications: Revue. In this episode of our ocassionally updated podcast series, we go into great depth on the subject of the US release of Dungeon Fighter Online. Our guest for this episode is a long time regular of our forum, Wedge. Long story short, it's a great for anyone who liked arcadey beat'em-ups... but please do still listen to the episode all the same!

Finally, speaking of Wedge, the Ultra Publications Crew has recently started a team Let's Play of The Castle of Dr Brain! So far only four episodes are out, but new episodes will go up regularly (usually multiple episodes per week). You can find these epiosdes on the Ultra Publications Youtube Account. Remember, just be sure to tread lightly around the Demonic Lawn Flamingoes of the Damned!

Sorry about the fact I sort of stopped talking there for a while, but my Mom's recent diagnosis of Cancer was a major spirit breaker. Thank you again to Ericho for giving me the power to work up the energy to continue on CTU again. At times like this, I especially need to be keeping myself busy.

ADDENDUM: Sorry for some misinformation above, but it actually turns out that Ericho did not help in the production of TTA. While he was indeed one of the people that Kirbopher based a character on during season 2 of the epic flash series, he himself was in no way directly involved in production. Sorry for the earlier misinformation.


when are you making a new episode of Edd, Ed n Eddy Z?

I think you have me confused with someone else, I work on Chrono Trigger Unglued. I also work on a book named The Vagrant's Tale, and webcomic series called Work-Study; however, Chrono Trigger Unglued is the only one of the three that you can find on Newgrounds. I apologize for any confusion I caused you.

I may not review much any more, and I can come off as somewhat critical, but I've followed CT Unglued since it started so you and Cryo have got to be doing something right.

Less Rickrolls though please, the joke's run its course. :P

Don't worry, we'll never do another Rick Roll for the entire rest of the series. Of this, I can assure you.

If you want I could help out with CTU, I've been looking for someone to collab with - I never like animating on my own.

I doubt you'll consider this, worth a shot though.

While I've sometimes thought it would be nice to have someone else do an episode instead of me, and would in fact be willing to let someone do a guest episode if the person was eager and talented enough, I am not so sure that I would do well with two different people working on the same movie file. I have a number of odd practices that I employ while animating that suprise a lot of other people and go against all of their standard practices for animation, and in flash it's often impossible to have it both ways on some of these matters. It just seems like a recipe for disaster to me.

Still, thanks for the offer. If you were looking to do a guest episode, I do have a vast animation library already put together for CTU.

Ericho had absolutely nothing to do with the production of TTA. He was one of TONS of people on a forum I went to that I later made characters based on the names of users I had met from.

Oh, okay, I'll go and add that information about my mistake to the post. Thank you for that. Sorry for the misinformation I gave out about your series, I honestly thought he helped somehow.

It's always awesome to get your work praised by a pro. I've loved CTU series since I joined Newgrounds, and I'm glad it's getting more recognition.