Much like the Spanish Inquisition, no one ever expected this episode of CTU to come so soon after the last one. Also, there are many other things in this episode that no one probably ever expected to see from CTU. I think I will probably get a third episode of CTU out before this year ends, especially since the content in this next episode is something I've been looking forward to for a long time.
However, for now, I'm going to be doing some work on a secret new flash project called TFOFT...
I had a good laugh at CTU back in the day...
but at the rate you're going, you'll be doing this series the rest of your life 0.o
That is, as it currently stands, sad but true. Cryo and I are currently looking into ways to speed this thing up, that's part of why this episode came out far closer to the last episode than normal. We also hope to get two more episodes out this year, hopefully (with Cryo himself possibly animating Episode 23).