View Profile Clovis15
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself

Clovis Dye @Clovis15

Age 43, Male

Product Demonstrator

Ohio State University

Marion, OH

Joined on 1/13/01

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LONG LIVE THE ART PORTAL! (Next is Literature, maybe?)

Posted by Clovis15 - June 19th, 2009

Okay, so I decided to jump on the art portal band wagon as soon as I heard that it was out. I'm not quite sure how, but I got spotted almost immediately after my first piece of art went out; from my understanding of how the spotting system works, that is highly unlikely (but cool all the same). So, anyways, I currently have an 18 best of, across time, sampling of images in my art section; some of the less popular older ones will be taken down with time to make way for new images (they claim you're limited to just 20 images). If someone with good art is in need of a spotting, let me know.

Now if only there was a literature portal, I'd be posting The Vagrant's Tale here directly. As it stands, you can find it all right here (Chapter 23 just came out).


can you scout me? please?

NOOO! no literature portal, what is this deviantart?


A literature portal would be cool, but I wouldn't submit most of my work- it would probably be plagairized, which would be very hard to prevent, since it is just text. I think I am an okay artist, and I need a scout though.

dont scout anyone begging for it
their shitty art is unscouted for a reason. speakin of, all your art is really bad. like you have no sense of color, perspective, or anatomy.

you really need to hit the books

"if someone with good art is in need of a spotting, let me know" that's nice of you, but still I think a lot of people with crappy art will ask you :P Anyways if the system works then I think all the good art will be spotted soon enough. I just posted one of my drawings, and if it eventually doesn't get spotted, then so be it I guess :P Deviantart is there for a reason anyway.

And about your art, don't listen to Spook-ape, the things he mentions about your art, are the things that make your art style unique! (ofcourse there's always room for improvement :D)

I think that my art is good and I just need someone to scout it.

I'm not asking you to scout my work because it's bad but with all the higher quality pics being submitted I don't think that my work will be noticed.

So if it's not too much trouble I would like you to look at my work and if you think that it's good enough to get into the art portal then please scout me.


A literature portal could probably work but users might not want to read the stories if they're too long and it might cause a lot of talented writers to become unnoticed. I think that it might work if the stories are short and it works similiarly to the audio portal where submittions are automatically submitted. It could also work for people who need a writer for thier games/toons or for those that need inspiration in order to come up with a good story.

Well that is my opinion on the literature portal and I hope you decide to take a look at my work.

Hope to hear from you soon

For anybody who is against the idea of a literature portal, just think about it.
It would only be text, so it would be incredibly cheap to host it, and if you didn't like the idea of it, you wouldn't have to visit it and you could use Newgrounds in exactly the same way as you did before. I see no good reason at all that we shouldn't have one, writing is as much an art form as anything else on this site.

you know what's fun? following the scouters back to the popular artists or admins on newgrounds to see where all this sonic anime nintendo fan art branched from

the person who scouted you has 3 drawings all of sonic

thank you brycemilburn :P

A Literature portal sounds good to me, writing is just a painting with words. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you scouted me, because I have some great pixel art that I would like to share with other artists

the internet is where literature goes to die

Isn't THAT the bitter truth...

Seriously though, I don't like this.
Newgrounds just isn't the same and it's hard getting used to all these changes.

And as lemonshaman said, what the fuck an art portal, lit portal, why don't they just call it the Dev Portal or something.

Let's spam the art portal!!

scout my art I think you will like it

"If someone with good art is in need of a spotting, let me know".
I think my pixel art is good, could you please spot me, my last comment was not clear enough

Yay for shitty art.

Seriously, it stucks.

And a lit section? What? Were ganna have madness fanfics? Pass.

A portal for writing? A kinda like that idea. Maybe then I;ll be able to post more on this site then reviews and news comments. Hopefully we aren't the only ones to think a writing portal is a good idea (*hint hint* although realisticly I doubt anyone important will see this).

Spook-Ape, I asked for a scout because he offered. My art is unscouted probably because I'm not a popular flash artist or anything. Beside, I don't give a damn anymore- its people like you that choke the growing artist.

Oh yes. The Art Portal. I got my scanner working just in time for it. Check out my weeaboo sketches if you want. Heheheh.

A Literature Portal? I think forums are good enough. However, if there were such a portal, couple of things. First, it would need a shorter synonym, maybe something like the Words Portal. Second, I would definitely write more to my story, Compass (which I have on my page), and post it there. -KN