Finaly someone found a way to let us see where the real "There She Is - Step 4." I was really dissapointed to find someone posting a fake one with a liable name. Thank you greatly for this post Clovis15!
"There is no beauty in the flower that is not shared." - Myself
Age 43, Male
Product Demonstrator
Ohio State University
Marion, OH
Joined on 1/13/01
Finaly someone found a way to let us see where the real "There She Is - Step 4." I was really dissapointed to find someone posting a fake one with a liable name. Thank you greatly for this post Clovis15!
You're welcome.
That was really great. Probably the most intense one yet :)
I agree with you man, this latest addition to the there she is series is dissapointing to say the least, you can really tell Sambakza has been under time pressure or something, normally he does a way more neater and detailed animation..
BUT: You also can see where he's going with this story, the way he told this part is not in all bad at all... You don't have to use fluent and very advanced flash animation to make your point come across in a good way.
Even though I liked his old style better, I really liked this part of the There She Is series cause it emphasized on story so much :-)
That poor hedgehog D=
He died a hero.
Ya, I never expected a story like that was planned out when I saw the first... does anybody understand why the spiky rabbit was beating up the main cat guy near the end
The cat guy painted over all the graffiti on his door, and then he walked away from the rabbit girl back into his house. But this time there was a no intermingling sign on his house, suggesting he was breaking it up with her. The decision to break up with her probably came after he saw her in the hospital beaten up, assuming that if he wasn't with her it wouldn't have happened to her. However, his breaking up with her is hurting her, and the spiky rabbit (whom is implied to have interest in her himself) isn't just going to let him hurt her by breaking up with her.
At least, that's my humble opinion on the materr.
That was awesome, I can't wait to see step 5
Man, neither can I.
Wow... Even though there wasn't as much animation... The impact the story gave was just... I'm speechless it was that great
to biteyclock:
he hit him because he left hes girlfriend because of the people declined a love between a rabbit and a cat...
Hey..uhh...I downloaded the first one, but I'm not able to put it on my iTunes...Can someone PM me and let me know if it's at all possible to do so? And if so, how I can do it? It's a great series, and I'm looking forward ti #5
I still love Step 2, but this one was pretty awesome too.
Also did you notice that Doki's scarf changes color when he admits that Rabbits and Cats aren't meant to be together, The symbolism is really well done.
Yes, I saw that. Nabi's colors also fade out to black when he doesn't return he call (partially because he's in jail) and she gives up on him leaving to Paradise with her.
Intense, but dissapointing. Like Swain commented, the animation has taken a back-seat.
Strange...actually, I saw "There She Is - Step 4" on newgrounds not too long ago by Sambakz.
I thought Amalloc forgot his username and password so he made a new one.
I guess it was flagged for being stolen.
But I'm still glad the real SamBakZa is going to submit it. Thanks for the heads up.
Big disappointment on the 4th episode. I agree with swain. Plus they have so many people working on it they should be able to pul it together better. I LOVE the series, but this one kinda let me down. Hopefully part 5 will be great!
Man that was intense. Such a turn for a light hearted series. In a sense I'm glad as it matured as a series and storyline.
OMFG omgomgomgomgomgogmogmogmogmogmogmogm I LOVE YOU. I dont even know you, your art, or anything else about you, but 4 telling me there she is step 4 came out I WANNA HAVE ALL UR BABIES!!!!! ILOVEYOUILOVEYOULOVEOLOVELOVEYOUYOUYO UYOU!!!!
Saw it two maybe three days ago. Depressing.
Sweet christ, I felt some intense feelings after watching that. Thanks for linking it to us.
And I agree, I hope he does put out a DVD, that would be awesome.
man, "paradise" just gives me a really akward feeling when they showed that other rabbit and cat because i once read a post where a guy compared cat/rabbit relationships to gay marrige. O.o
Wow. Powerful stuff. I remember back when Episode 1 came out and Amalloc insisted it wasn't meant to be a preachy political series. Clearly the scope of the project has grown.
I'm not worried about the raw FPS, because it's clear each frame was very carefully designed to tell the next part of the story.
I'll save the rest of my blah-blah-blahing for when part 4 hits Newgrounds. Thanks for burning your frontpage announcement to share this with us, Clovis15.
Hmm, I guess they stopped animating There She Is...this one was more of a slide show than the previous, even. It's too bad, the series started as the pinnacle of what an animator could aspire to achieve in Flash.
I do miss the slick animation in this episode, although I think it will be back in the next.